People At Work survey
All organisations today need to be highly aware of the risk factors included in the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 which include both physical and psychological risks. This survey will aid the organisation to both identify current risk factors and develop appropriate interventions.
The People at Work Survey (PAW) was developed through a collaboration between QUT, ANU, Workplace Health and
Safety Queensland, WorkCover NSW, WorkSafe Victoria, Comcare, Safe Work Australia and Beyond Blue.
This work commenced in 2007 with substantial work between 2013 and 2016.
The Psychosocial areas covered are considered ‘best practice’ and closely align with the Creating Mentally Healthy
Workplaces report collaboration between UNSW, Black Dog Institute and the National Mental Health Commission.
This report, and its recommendations, was fully supported by the Business Council of Australia.
The PAW survey measures some of the common psychosocial hazards and factors associated with Job Demands and Job Resources available to address those Demands in the workplace. Job Demands are workplace factors that can cause psychological distress and Job Resources are workplace factors that can protect you from stress.
Psychosocial hazards and risk factors can result in impacts on psychological health including stress, job burnout and mental ill health.
More information can be found at the People at Work website.

Benefits to YOUR organisation
Organisations have developed policies and systems over many, many years to protect the physical health of its workers.
Psychological health and safety is about protecting the psychological health of workers.
The People at Work survey is a free and validated Australian survey.
Two reports are produced:
Comprehensive report with detailed interpretation of results
Overview report with high level overview of your results
Early intervention and support for workers who may be at risk of developing a psychological injury or mental illness
Promoting good physical and mental health is considered best practice and beneficial for workers
Identified work related psychosocial hazards and risk factors can assist in preventing harm
The risk management approach aligns with Safe Work Australia's Code of Practice

OUR approach . .
The PAW Survey would be the first step towards developing, in a measurable way, actions to ensure the psychological and mental health of the organisation.
Organisations can use the People at Work survey to begin the process of identifying psychosocial hazards and implementing processes and support for workers.
The following outcomes are expected from the process:
Increased awareness of psychosocial wellbeing within the organisation's workforce
Identification of psychosocial hazards within the workforce and mitigation strategies that can be implemented
Increased understanding of Job Demands and Job Resources that may influence employee wellbeing.
Raise awareness for all staff of the importance of a Mentally Healthy Workplace

How can we Help?
As Psychologists and with our wealth of experience in organisational development, we are able to assist your organisation in:
Implementation of the PAW Survey - from planning, design and survey administration if required
Data Analysis and Review of the Results
Briefing for the Executive team
Conducting Focus groups to:
obtain more detailed information and insight into psychosocial hazards and factors important to the workplace and its workers
gain a broader representation of diverse experiences and impacts on staff
generate strategies and solutions to address the psychosocial hazards identified
Final report with analysis of the focus group and survey feedback with recommendations. This could also include a presentation to the Executive team.
We look forward to assisting you with this very important survey of Psychosocial Hazards.